i want to be a sec one again! time pass really fast and by june or somewhere around there farewell comes.): okay. gah. whee. sec ones: you two must pass all your enrolment tests quickly so you can get enrolled and do other important stuffs. HAHA. and i want you two to post frequently cos WE( sec twos ) was always updating the blog last year ( we were more free you see cos we WERE sec ones) so ya. UPDATE THE BLOG WHENEVER YOU HAVE TIME! WELCOME XIN YI AND MONIQUE!((: PATROL MEETING TMR! i want patrol tee! we waited for a long long long long year for one!
i want to be a sec one again! time pass really fast and by june or somewhere around there farewell comes.): okay. gah. whee. sec ones: you two must pass all your enrolment tests quickly so you can get enrolled and do other important stuffs. HAHA. and i want you two to post frequently cos WE( sec twos ) was always updating the blog last year ( we were more free you see cos we WERE sec ones) so ya. UPDATE THE BLOG WHENEVER YOU HAVE TIME! WELCOME XIN YI AND MONIQUE!((: PATROL MEETING TMR! i want patrol tee! we waited for a long long long long year for one!
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